Daisy Links: a Thrifted Flower in a Plant Shop!
I've said it in posts already, but it needs to be said again: Rexburg is a thrifted clothing lover's dream. It seems like right now is a great time for people to open their dream business. The weather is warming up and people are tired of being cooped up inside because of COVID and the cold weather. The snow melts, and people begin to walk to the park and enjoy the fun activities that Rexburg has available to everyone. Y'all may remember my blog post about AA Planthouse, and how they wanted to finally start their dream business here in town. They have been having great success and achievement since they opened, and they really wanted to open up their space to another small business owner. This is where Daisy Links, a very special thrift store dedicated to providing high-quality clothing to customers in order to help protect the environment. Daisy Links today held their grand opening! While having a strong presence online and on Instagram, owners Malcom and Rosie Kong, t