This Brand-New Plantshop is An "AA+" Grade Store!


Plants were/are my safe-space during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

Something beautiful and natural - a piece of the outside world, so to speak - right there on my desk, splaying its leaves for all to see. It is such a divine experience, one I wish everyone could experience. Choosing a plant from the nursery, finding a pot which will be this plant's home, filling it with the food essential to its growth and providing it a beautiful sunny spot where it can grow safely. 

I'm not a father, but I imagine that this has to be a similar experience. 

Owning plants during quarantine really helped me establish a plan, a said routine that I could follow throughout the day. Waking up, watering my plants, rotating them, etc., this really helped me not "lose my mind" as I was stuck inside for the year or so of quarantine. My plant collection grew quickly, from one small desktop plant to over 10 plants, ranging from the size of a teacup to the size of a desk chair.

In a time full of uncertainty, the plants helped me more than I could ever imagine. They gave me motivation to get out of bed when I needed to check on them. They always reminded me that, just like I take care of plants, I needed to take care of myself at the same time. Truly a saving grace!

But how did other people cope with the quarantine period? Well, for Alex and Alexys Owens, this quarantine gave them time to grow some roots, search for the sun, and branch out into the world of small business!

Welcome to AA Planthouse!

The store is absolutely lovely inside. You walk in and feel as if you have left Rexburg, Idaho, and entered a tropical paradise. Condensation beads down the windows as the humidifiers help the plants not turn into a dry husk. A constant 70+ degree temperature inside is a quick way for people to escape the frigid cold that accompanies an Idahoan winter. 

Upon entering, you are greeted with shelves on every wall, chalked full of beautifully potted plants. Ranging from recently sprouted snake plants to full sized rubber plants, there is something for everyone. It isn't overwhelming, however, as AA Planthouse strives for tranquility in every corner of its storefront. 

I entered and was welcomed in by Alex Owens, member of the husband and wife duo who own AA Planthouse. I had brought in some plants that needed a larger pot, and Alex was right there to help me out every step of the way. We began talking about where this dream of owning a plant shop came from, how business has been, and what resources they can offer to the public. 

Alex mentioned that around the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, they started growing and taking care of plants at their home. As time continued on, they decided to start selling some plants locally, whether it be at farmers markets or on a "need to know" basis. Plant shops throughout Eastern Idaho and the valley were having success, and after the Owens' had sold numerous plants, they decided to try making their small business a bit larger. 

They bought a small storefront by the local Domino's (Here's the address really quick: 155 W Main St #9, Rexburg, ID 83440) and started forming the store around the needs of Rexburg. Small plants, large plants, pots available for any plants you have, there's even a station where you can bring your own plants, and with the expertise of both Alex and Alexys, repot them!

Since their grand opening, business has been booming. They have helped decorate several weddings where the bride and groom decided to have plants instead of flowers. Waiting for the warmer seasons, they are prepared to go out and sell at local markets, and are hoping to even have a travel trailer to help them out in their endeavors.

If you ever have some free time, want to feel some actual humidity in the air, or you want to liven up your home/apartment with some greenery, I couldn't recommend AA Planthouse enough. Friendly people, good vibes and green plants are waiting for you at this new small business here in Rexburg. 
